DMC DJ Essentials World Of Sport 1
Featuring 37 classic sporting themes from boxing, motor sport, tennis, darts, snooker, football, rugby, cricket, athletics, golf, equestrian and ski-ing + entrance fanfares and supporter chants.
FOOTBALL 01. Keith Mansfield - The Big Match TV Theme (1) 02. Keith Mansfield - The Big Match TV Theme (2) 03. Power Pack Orchestra - ITV`s Big Match Live (Aztec Gold) 04. Champions League Theme – Handel - "Zadok The Priest" (Edit) 05. Match Of The Day Theme (Stoller) 06. Music All-Stars - Gary Lineker`s Golden Boys 07. Gordon Lorenz Orchestra & Singers `Saint and Greavesie Theme` 08. The 5, 6, 7, 8`s `Woo Hoo` RUGBY 09. Rugby Special TV Theme (Brian Bennett) (Edit) 10. Music All-Stars `Rugby World Cup` CRICKET 11. BBC Cricket Theme – Booker T. & The MGs `Soul Limbo` TENNIS 12. Keith Mansfield `Wimbledon Theme` ATHLETICS 13. Keith Mansfield - `International Athletics Theme` 14. Vangelis `Chariots Of Fire` BOXING 15. Bill Conti `Gonna Fly Now` - Rocky OST MOTOR SPORT 16. Fleetwood Mac `The Chain` (Formula One Theme Edit) 17. Moto GP (Opening Theme) - Muse `Hysteria` 18. Moto GP (Closing Theme) - Commodores `Machine Gun` 19. Power Pack Orchestra `Kick Start (Be My Boogie Woogie Baby)` (Moto-Cross) GOLF 20. Power Pack Orchestra `BBC Golf Theme (Chase Side Shoot Up)` SNOOKER 21. BBC Pot Black Snooker Theme – Black And White Rag (George Botsford) 22. BBC Snooker World Championship Theme EQUESTRIAN 23. BBC Show Jumping Theme (Mozart) 24. Colonial Players `William Tell Overture` SKI-ING 25. Gordon Lorenz Orchestra & Singers - Ski Sunday (Pop Looks Bach) DARTS 26. Bullseye Theme TV/RADIO SPORTS & GAME SHOWS 27. Don Harper `World of Sport Theme` 28. Tony Hatch `Sportsnight TV Theme` 29. Keith Mansfield `Grandstand` (Sports Theme - Version 1) 30. Keith Mansfield `Grandstand` (Sports Theme - Version 2) 31. Keith Mansfield `Grandstand` (Sports Theme DMC Remix) 32. Sky Sports News Theme – Kasabian `Club Foot` 33. Bobby Morganstein `ESPN Sports Centre Theme` 34. Van McCoy - The Shuffle (Sport On 4 Theme) 35. Power Pack Orchestra - Out of the Blue (BBC Five Live Sports Report) 36. Music All-Stars `Sports Arena March` 37. Johnny Pearson `Superstars Theme` (+ Monday Night Football Special) 38. It`s A Knockout TV Theme (Pisano/Wechter/Alpert) 39. Gladiators TV Theme ENTRANCE FANFARES 40. Bobby Morganstein `Trumpet Fanfare - Bull Fight` 41. Bobby Morganstein `Trumpet Fanfare - Horse Race` 42. Bobby Morganstein `Fanfare – Royalty... Horse Shows` 43. Bill Conti - Fanfare for Rocky - Rocky ENGLAND SUPPORTERS CHANTS 44. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 1" 45. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 2" 46. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 3" 47. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 4" 48. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 5"
FOOTBALL 01. Keith Mansfield - The Big Match TV Theme (1) 02. Keith Mansfield - The Big Match TV Theme (2) 03. Power Pack Orchestra - ITV`s Big Match Live (Aztec Gold) 04. Champions League Theme – Handel - "Zadok The Priest" (Edit) 05. Match Of The Day Theme (Stoller) 06. Music All-Stars - Gary Lineker`s Golden Boys 07. Gordon Lorenz Orchestra & Singers `Saint and Greavesie Theme` 08. The 5, 6, 7, 8`s `Woo Hoo` RUGBY 09. Rugby Special TV Theme (Brian Bennett) (Edit) 10. Music All-Stars `Rugby World Cup` CRICKET 11. BBC Cricket Theme – Booker T. & The MGs `Soul Limbo` TENNIS 12. Keith Mansfield `Wimbledon Theme` ATHLETICS 13. Keith Mansfield - `International Athletics Theme` 14. Vangelis `Chariots Of Fire` BOXING 15. Bill Conti `Gonna Fly Now` - Rocky OST MOTOR SPORT 16. Fleetwood Mac `The Chain` (Formula One Theme Edit) 17. Moto GP (Opening Theme) - Muse `Hysteria` 18. Moto GP (Closing Theme) - Commodores `Machine Gun` 19. Power Pack Orchestra `Kick Start (Be My Boogie Woogie Baby)` (Moto-Cross) GOLF 20. Power Pack Orchestra `BBC Golf Theme (Chase Side Shoot Up)` SNOOKER 21. BBC Pot Black Snooker Theme – Black And White Rag (George Botsford) 22. BBC Snooker World Championship Theme EQUESTRIAN 23. BBC Show Jumping Theme (Mozart) 24. Colonial Players `William Tell Overture` SKI-ING 25. Gordon Lorenz Orchestra & Singers - Ski Sunday (Pop Looks Bach) DARTS 26. Bullseye Theme TV/RADIO SPORTS & GAME SHOWS 27. Don Harper `World of Sport Theme` 28. Tony Hatch `Sportsnight TV Theme` 29. Keith Mansfield `Grandstand` (Sports Theme - Version 1) 30. Keith Mansfield `Grandstand` (Sports Theme - Version 2) 31. Keith Mansfield `Grandstand` (Sports Theme DMC Remix) 32. Sky Sports News Theme – Kasabian `Club Foot` 33. Bobby Morganstein `ESPN Sports Centre Theme` 34. Van McCoy - The Shuffle (Sport On 4 Theme) 35. Power Pack Orchestra - Out of the Blue (BBC Five Live Sports Report) 36. Music All-Stars `Sports Arena March` 37. Johnny Pearson `Superstars Theme` (+ Monday Night Football Special) 38. It`s A Knockout TV Theme (Pisano/Wechter/Alpert) 39. Gladiators TV Theme ENTRANCE FANFARES 40. Bobby Morganstein `Trumpet Fanfare - Bull Fight` 41. Bobby Morganstein `Trumpet Fanfare - Horse Race` 42. Bobby Morganstein `Fanfare – Royalty... Horse Shows` 43. Bill Conti - Fanfare for Rocky - Rocky ENGLAND SUPPORTERS CHANTS 44. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 1" 45. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 2" 46. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 3" 47. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 4" 48. England Band & England Supporters Club - "England Chant 5"